Name - The name of the shopping list (e.g., Groceries, Books, Music, etc.).You can create an unlimited number of lists. The List Info Dialog appears (see next).Select a List and click Edit, or click New.Select Edit Lists from the top List menu to open the Edit Lists Dialog.You may create new lists or edit existing ones, as follows: You may open a shopping list by selecting it from the List Menu. When you first launch SplashShopper you are presented with the List View. Read on to learn more about the individual features of SplashShopper. Now go shopping and check off your list.Print out your Needed Item list by selecting Print from the File menu.This will display a list of only the items marked as needed. Once you're done marking the items you need, click the "Need" tab.

A cart icon ( )will appear next to the items, indicating that they are needed. Mark the items you need by clicking in the far left column.The All View is displayed, which shows a list of commonly purchased grocery items. You can select a different list from the List Menu at the top left. You're presented with the sample grocery list.
Simply enter a registration code and your Trial version will be converted into a Registered version and all data will remain intact.įollowing is a quick overview of how SplashShopper can be used as a tool for grocery shopping: You do not need to re-install the software. Once the trial period ends you must purchase and enter a registration code to continue using the software. The Trial software and Registered software are identical. You may run the software for 30-days in full-functioning Trial mode. When you launch SplashShopper, you will be prompted to enter a registration code or to run in Trial mode.
Double click the SplashShopper installer to install the files.SplashShopper is a shopping list application that is perfect for keeping lists of groceries to buy, movies to rent, CDs to buy, books to read and more! You can create an unlimited number of lists, and each list can be customized to record and display only the information that is relevant. SplashShopper for Desktop Only User Guide